Tuesday, September 27, 2011

HEY! Just HEY!

Ok, I am sure many of you will point out to me that HEY is for HORSES. But guess what!?  It's HAY that is for HORSES and HEY is for me saying hi to each and every one of you at almost midnight my time.

I've been thinking long and hard about this for days now, and I think I am going to eat my own words (and what YUMMY words they are!) and start a new business for myself!  YEP!  I'm doing it again folks..... I'm venturing out on my own and being my own boss.  Know why? Cuz I'm just too darn stubborn to listen to anyone elses orders.  I can fire myself daily if I like and be bullheaded enough to ignore it and be back at it the next day!  Yep, I'm like that.  

Want to know what I am going to be doing????? Keep reading daily cuz I'll give hints and updates.  Can anyone guess??  Come on... Guess... and I will give you one hint... it's NOT phone related.... (sorry mom!)

Now with that said, I'm still looking for the adventure - so keep ideas coming to my inbox at itsthewriter@gmail.com or post them below .... ya never know what might catch my eye!!!!

Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness

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