Monday, September 19, 2011

Day One - Deciding I should get a new job

Wakes with a strange feeling - is it Saturday? Oh... no.... it's Monday.  Scrambles around getting ready for.... errrr.... what is it I am getting ready for??? My part time job is quiet this week as my boss is in Milan.  Ok so now what... hmmm clean the house? How mundane.  It's already clean.  Hmmm ok  - find a new job.  Yes, a JOB.   Well is it really a job if you love what you do? Gets me thinking... find something I love.  My husband suggests I write.  Ya, well, it's a thought.  Ok I'll think about it.  Hmmmmmmm  done thinking.

Ok... thinking done, I realize that I AM going to write.  But I'm going to incorporate it into my job hunt.  Let's create a BLOG about my job hunt.  Granted, it may have a very small following, but it's the year 2011 and you can write about whatever you want to write about these days.  So I am going to post my journey about finding my next adventure.  To me, jobs are not jobs - they are adventures in life.  Chances to fulfill your dreams.  The mundane and boring jobs will be ignored - unless chocolate is involved - then we'll discuss it. 

Let the fun of finding my next adventure begin!!!!!!!

Feel free to comment, suggest, share and send me job offers!  The more the merrier and the more adventurous - the better! 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Thanks Bundy! It'll be exciting! Maybe it'll send me to Australia for a visit!!!! That would be awesome!
