Saturday, September 24, 2011

My Ideal Job

So, I keep saying, send me a job offer.  I suppose I should clear up what kind of job I want, right?  Perhaps a shoe saleswoman (coughs - more info on that at another time hehehe).  Perhaps a bartender at a resort in Cozumel (now that wouldn't be all that bad would it??)  Perhaps a trash collector.  (Nah - not that anything is wrong with that!)

I have learned recently and confirmed my suspicions that I am really good at marketing.  I have a good grasp on multiple facets of modern day marketing ideas and have used them in several ways to help grow businesses lately.  One was cut short before my prime, but in an online world (Second Life), I helped raise over $16,000 for a person needing help in just a few short weeks.  It taught me that I am strong and can perform under pressure and make things happen.  It taught me that I can implement ideas and utilize others to make things happen quickly and successfully.  So I think my ideal job would be something that I can make ideas happen and run with them till they do.  I'd love this job to be fun, eventful, exciting and include travel.  There, I said it.  I spelled it out.  Whew.  Feels good to clearly say those things.

What else would I like to do?  Maybe a travel writer?  The opportunity to go places and write about them?  Heck ya!  Except Iraq - not sure I want to write about that (Not that anything is wrong with that) but just sayin....  Leave a comment about where you think would be the best places to write about ;)

Leave a  comment too if you have any ideas on what you think might be a good job for me.  I need adventure - need to share my skills with the world again - need to see the world!

Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness

P.S. Have passport - will hop on a plane!!!!  Weeeeeeeeeeeee

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