Sunday, October 9, 2011

Once, Twice, Thrice? Nope just ONCE

Have you seen the movie Once?  If not, it certainly is worth the watch. I fell in love with the music from this movie before I saw the movie.  A friend encouraged me to watch the movie, and then encouraged me to watch it a few more times, insisting that I would see things the second and third time that I did not see the previous watches.  He was right.

It's  a love story.  But it reminded me of having dreams and wants in life and having the courage to reach for them and go after them, despite what has happened in your past, and what might happen in your future.  This is a huge thought, really.  How many of us are so paralyzed by something that has happened in our past that we can't seem to move forward?  How many of us have a fear of failure and refuse to reach out and grab their star?

I think we often feel that joy is there only for a chosen few.  When in fact, we all deserve to be happy.  Life is extremely short.  Yes, it's often eighty plus years but considering how old the world is, that's nothing.  Don't be afraid that there isn't enough hope in the world, or that there is none in your world... it's there.  You just have to be courageous enough to believe in it.

It's hard to be courageous.  Trust me - I am VERY aware of that.  So this week - I encourage each of you that reads my blog to make it your word for the week... COURAGE.  Write it down on something.  Look at it often.  Then find a way to be courageous this week.  It might be something small.  It might be a huge task.  But whatever that is for you, just be it.  COURAGEOUS.  Grab your star!!!

Then I even double dog dare you to share your COURAGE in the comment section as it happens!

Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness

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