Friday, September 23, 2011

Rain Rain Go Away

Ok, it's still raining in Ohio, but I took the time to take a look at to see if there any local jobs that caught my eye.  Nope, none.  Nothing popped its head up and said "Look at me!!!!!!!!"  Am I being delusional? Am I expecting my dream job to just land in my lap?  Well maybe.....

You know, they say you find things when you are not looking for them.  Oh - wait - is that only love?  I'm not sure I believe that.  But could it be possible that it could happen in the job field?  If you are not desperate for a job, and you let the universe take hold of destiny, could you be surfing the web or talking to friends and all of a sudden, a job rears it's beautiful head?  A lead takes hold.  A suggestion is followed. 

But are we brave enough to follow our heart when things like that happen?  Are we encouraged in life to follow our hopes and our dreams?  Or do we simply follow what society thinks we should do?  How many of us actually do what we WANT to do?  Dan Miller of once said, and I'll never forget this.... "Think back to what you wanted to be when you were a kid" .... I personally never had a big career path picked out as a child but as I got older, I remember wanting to do something with travel.  Travel agents don't actually travel.... cruise directors do (I considered that one).  Travel writers travel.  Hmmmm.....

I want to be brave and consider all options as I chose this next path in my life.  I want to see which direction it takes me and be brave enough to follow it.  More people should do that in life, don't you think?  Be brave, courageous, able to leap forward and know that their ideas will be accepted by those that love them.  I dare each of you to do the same.

How many of you want to start your own business?  I have talked to many people in this world who have said to me that their dream was to work for themselves.  WELL DO IT!  Start small  - start huge - but do it!  Some of the largest companies out there were started in garages.  So follow your heart and see where it takes you.  I plan on doing just that.  For once in my life, I'm following my heart.  My head will catch up but I'm following my heart.  We'll see where it takes me.  Come along for the ride!

Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness!

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