Friday, September 28, 2012

The time is drawing near!

Today is Saturday, September 8th, 2012. I leave for the UK September 12th at 3pm.  It's surreal to imagine the time is here.  I've been so consumed with getting ready.  Our bags are packed to the brim with things that I apparently think I cannot live without while there.  I've purchased a back up hard drive for my computer for files.  I've updated mine and my daughters glasses just in case (we needed new ones anyhow).  We've both had physicals and such that we needed.  After all, six months is a long time when you are that far away from your home!  You just never know what will happen!

My cat Callie knows something is up.  She insisted on lying on my bag, on top of brand new blue jeans!!!  Victoria relocated her for me and she came back for more.

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