Monday, September 10, 2012

All Packed and Two Days till Leavin on a Jet Plane

**Setting Sail on a New Adventure with My Sidekick, Victoria!**

In a mere two days, my spirited 14-year-old daughter, Victoria, and I will embark on an adventure of a lifetime. While my passport boasts stamps from the US to the romantic alleys of Italy, France, and my all-time favorite, the UK, this journey is unparalleled. It's not just another trip; it's a six-month-long voyage with my daughter, exploring the world as we've never done before. Can you imagine? We won't be back until March 6th, and the anticipation is electric!

The weeks leading up to our departure have been a blend of nostalgia and surreal excitement. I've been incredibly fortunate to reconnect with old friends in the UK and make new ones, especially some wonderful souls from Google Plus. Their outpouring of support, sharing everything from train schedules to local hidden gems, has been heartwarming.

Our journey begins with a vibrant long weekend in London. While I've wandered its streets before, seeing it through Victoria's fresh eyes, on her first trip abroad, promises to be special. She's already made a list! Topping it are the majestic London Eye and the trendy Drop Dead London store. 

By Monday, we'll transition from the city's hustle to the tranquil embrace of Mid Wales. I've committed to house-sitting for Sian, a homeowner with a delightful ensemble of pets - two curious cats, a playful dog, and an endearing chicken (who, amusingly, is thick as thieves with the dog!). Adapting to the rustic charm of a home where fires warm the rooms and water, and embracing a wholesome, unprocessed culinary lifestyle are changes we're both eagerly looking forward to.

One of the things I'm particularly excited about? The serene writing opportunities this journey promises. Back in Ohio, my writing sessions were often punctuated by the buzz of daily life. But in the peaceful Welsh countryside, with only Howl, the dog, for company, I anticipate many uninterrupted hours of writing.

And there's more good news for fellow travel enthusiasts! I've been invited to chronicle our house sitting experiences for Additionally, I'll be sharing our Welsh adventures on I promise to keep you all updated with our tales!

Until then, sending waves of joy, adventure, and warmth from our corner to yours!

London Eye

This is Howl :-) Sian's dog
