Friday, October 12, 2012

Portmeirion - A day in history

Wales.  The United Kingdom.  Britain. Scotland. Northern Ireland.  No matter what you call home, the beauty here is amazing.  I've been in the UK for 28 days now, and every day, I see new beauty in it.  Every day, I discover something new about this place that I love.  I've learned that I am stronger than I thought in some ways too.

These days, I'm in the middle of no where.  I'm building fires to keep warm.  I'm washing laundry and hanging it by the fire to dry.  I'm chopping wood and I'm burning that wood to warm our water.  The store isn't just around the corner so I am having to plan a bit better what we will do for the week.

Even our outings are a bit more planned.  This week we went to Portmeirion. 

Portmeirion, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

Portmeirion is a cute place. It's in Gwynedd, North Wales. If you ever heard of the tv series "The Prisoner", it was filmed here.  It was built starting in 1925 and was finished in 1975.  It's the dream of Sir Clough Williams-Ellis, this town resembles an Italian villa.  Quaint is a word I don't use often, but this would fit that bill.  It's been compared to Portofino, Italy but Sir Clough Williams-Ellis repeatedly denied this.  He did, however, draw from a love of the Italian village stating, "How should I not have fallen for Portofino? Indeed its image remained with me as an almost perfect example of the man-made adornment and use of an exquisite site." 

When we arrived, a lot of the shops were still closed, so we set off to the Town Hall for a traditional Welsh breakfast which was very good.  Way more food than we could eat though!  Wasn't a bad deal - breakfast this big for around $8 and full of protein to keep us going all day.  Don't buy bottled water here though - it was like $2.50 each!  I didn't care for the sausage much - they could stand improvement on that one but I've never been a big sausage fan to begin with - so maybe I am a little biased on that one!

Breakfast at Portmeirion - More than we could eat!, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

We then headed down to the beach.  It was an amazingly beautiful day with the sun shining down on us, a cool breeze (but not too much!) and the view was stunning!  The sand was soft and not a rock in sight, as we have found many on some of the beaches.  The view of the water and of the town from this direction were both quite impressive!  From there, we headed back to the town and explored a few more of the areas.  They have their own pottery design and quite a few of the stores were dedicated to this cause.  Definitely, a nice place to visit.

Portmeirion from the beach, Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

If you haven't heard of The Prisoner, you can view them on  and search for it by name.  Make sure you start at Episode 1 and not the Series Finale like I did - it won't make any sense if you watch it backward (speaking from experience here!). 

I'm sure Portmeirion had even more features than what we saw but it was a lovely day out with no rain and a lovely town to explore.  If you are in the area (and I hope you do visit Wales one day!), be sure to make this one of your stops.  Thanks Steve for the heads up! ;)   You will want to watch at least the first episode though so it makes more sense to you!

Here is a link to the rest of our Portmeirion pictures!

Till we meet again...

Love ~ Peace ~ Happiness


  1. Lovely post, Marianne - I love 'The Prisoner' too! ;) - Thank you! :)

    1. I'm not sure I "love" it Kerry - but it was nice to see the connection between the show and where it was filmed :)

  2. It's Beautiful there!!! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. Thanks for reading Ana! Yes, this entire area is quite beautiful! But my internet connection stinks. It's okish for downloading but uploading is impossible making it hard to upload videos! :(

  3. lovely photos
    and even if you see the Prisoner 3 times backwards or forwards it makes no sense anyway!

  4. Grins... I love getting comments :)))
