Saturday, August 25, 2012

Crash Bang Boom - getting covered with Insurance

I'm house sitting for a couple in Pennal, Wales for three months.  They are graciously giving me the use of their car to drive while they are gone.  In America, car insurance is easy to obtain if you have a drivers license.  But guess what?  It's not so easy for Americans to obtain insurance in the UK for a LOANED car (not rented from a ''car hire company" as they call it).  Do they Americans are all nuts?  We drive insane?  Um - don't answer that.  

So Sian spent weeks calling around finding a company that would cover me.  We finally found one - Yay!  But the cost?  Almost the equivalent of $500!!!  For three months!  Really?  So my  rationing for this is that 
it would cost me much more money per day to rent a car and have it insured.  

Then Sian reads the fine print... it's not fully comprehensive!  It will only cover fire, theft and the other car.  Ok, that's something but not enough for $500.  So the hunt is back on....

Then a friend of mine searches online and he finds something.  I tell her to check out Norwich Union.  The next day I see an email in my inbox from her... I close my eyes quickly saying repeatedly "Please be good news! Please be good news!" Upon opening my eyes, I notice that the subject line says Ï love Norwich Union"!  

She calls them and finds out yes! They will cover me!  And for only £80!!! Woot!  And it's fully comprehensive!  I'm so excited I could jump hoops!  The difference is what I paid for the hotel room for London at Hilton Docklands!  Woot! Doing the happy dance!

Could use some more good news this week!  Anyone got any???

Love ~ Peace ~ Happiness

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