Sunday, April 29, 2012

Traveling - Why it's important to me

When I was fourteen years old, I came home from school one day and announced that I was going on a trip to Europe.  My father looked at me and said, "Oh yeah?"  Well guess what?  I went.  I left in August of 1985 (then fifteen years old) and flew to Heathrow airport with a group from school.  What a blast that trip was.  I fell in love with Europe on that trip and knew I wanted to return.  We visited the tourist spots in England, France and Italy for two weeks and then returned with some amazing stories of sightseeing, history, people and even some partying that we were legal to do there (but not the US).  I am not 42 and I still have not lost that determination to return to Europe. 

Since that trip, I've graduated from school, worked, married, had a daughter, started my own business, closed that business.  My favorite thing to do before my daughter started school was to travel.  Her and I used to jump in the car and just go.  She was (and still is) an amazing traveler.   School has slowed this down quite a bit and I miss it terribly.  But, I always swore I'd travel with my daughter when I had her.  I didn't want her thinking that the world was a small place.  I wanted her to know people from other countries, realizing that there's many acceptable ways of living and thinking on this spinning planet.  It's still my determination to do that.  She's visited many US states and cities, but I want her to experience Europe.  And not just the tourist spots!  I want her seeing how people there live and the difference between our cultures!

We discuss the United Kingdom quite a bit.  We have a running joke that she wants to go and see if cats meow with British accents.  We are convinced that they do and Brits don't know it because they hear it all the time and it's normal for them.  If we are wrong, please don't bust our bubbles... we'd prefer to stay in the world of la la la and disillusionment, ok?  We'll discover that on our own time frame :)

You can read about places, tour them online, talk with people who have been there but until you truly experience a place on your own, you won't understand a thing about that place.  This blog has caused me to stop and study so many aspects of the United Kingdom so far it astonishes me, and even having been there twice, I know that I won't completely understand what I have studied until I am actually there again visiting these places in person.  Imagine how I will feel when I am sitting at The Minack Theatre after having studied it's history and following their recent performances and pictures on Facebook, etc.  It'll be bittersweet.  Maybe I need to move to the SW part of the UK in order to experience all the shows here!

Everyone knows I am infatuated with the  stones in the UK, but imagine how I will feel when I am walking along, running my hand across stones that have been there for the ages.  Stopping to think about the source of these stones, how long they have been there, who else may have placed their hands on these stones throughout the years, how these stones may have protected the land from various aspects such as war, or waves from the ocean.  Or as simple as keeping a child safely in someones yard :)  Or the neighbors dog out of that same yard :)

Nothing can compare to the feeling of being on a plane, closing your eyes and waking to the voice of the pilot saying "We'll be landing in xyz country in about 20 minutes - please return your seat and tray to their upright position".   

they say only 10% of Americans have a passport.  Their IS a reason so many people in other countries call Americans closed minded.  There is more to the world than just the US.   Let's go explore it!  I'm not saying everyone should want to move places like I do, but go see them, appreciate their beauty then you can return home to yours.


  1. Hey Marianne, interesting musings and fabulous image.

    I can identify with much of what you have written, although my child is now a man I could never get my then other half to travel when my son was younger. More than happy to virtually travel with you.

    You will be interested in these sights, if you're not already a fan ... all are travelling long term with child/ren:

    Sonia / EarthGipsy.

    1. Hi Sonia. I couldn't get my other half to travel either so I left him behind ;)
      Thank you for the nice comment and the websites! I'll take a look at them.
      Have a great day!

  2. Hi Marianne. Boy, I sure can relate!! My husband isn't big on traveling either but I'm dying to. I loved the running joke you have with your daughter about the Cat's meow in the UK. Please let me know what you discover. lol Loved your over-all descriptions, also. I, too, have traveled virtually to places through the internet. I have written, or am in the process of writing, a couple stories/novels centered in Ireland, Australia and Scotland. I've experienced them by virtually traveling down the roads and highways of Ireland, Australia and Scotland via google maps, and visited many tourist attractions and places that I'd even set my characters up to live, hotels, stations and the like. It's so much easier to write about the places if you can actually see them in person, but alas, I have yet to go. But mark my words, I will do it one day. I have people in Ireland I haven't even met yet. Hope to follow you and your virtual travels. Cheers,

    1. Hi Lorene! Thank you for the kind words and encouragement. I just found out yesterday that I have an opportunity to go to Wales for three months and house / pet sit for a couple who is going on holiday! So I have a chance to write and travel a lot! I'm so excited!!!!

  3. Hi Marianne,

    I have just read your blog article and found it interesting and also humorous. You see, I am an American currently living in Europe, specifically Germany, but I have had the opportunity to travel to all of the European countries and love travelling to Italy. The first thing I did was learn how to speak German. Since I had learned French at the University, I thought might as well learn German and believe me I am glad I did. When traveling to Switzerland, German or French is a must to know. I agree with you that most Europeans think that Americans are closed minded because many of us do not take the time to understand the European frame of mind or learn to speak a second language.
    As far as the United Kingdom is concerned, I have travelled through Scotland, Ireland and England. I can only say Wow when I am there. My favorite island in Scotland is the Skye Island. It is absolutely beautiful and peaceful.
    I sincerely hope you continue travelling. I haven't been to Australia yet but Australia and New Zealand are on my to do list.
    Thanks once again for the blog post. I enjoyed reading it.

  4. new to your blog and did enjoy it. My husband and I are travellers - and will spend the summer exploring the forests of Utah, Oregon, and Washington. Next year we are returning to Italy, maybe add on a week for Turkey and France. thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Lorraine! Thanks for the nice comment :)
      I've never been to Washington or Oregon but I have been to Utah - Park City and Ogden for work when I was a rep for Hewlett Packard. Such a pretty state.
      I have been to Italy although would like to return there as well. Have a great trip :)
