Tuesday, April 24, 2012

*Updated 05/10/2012* Technology not being friendly to Humanity :(

*** UPDATE 05/10/2012 ***
Apparently the ability to not share your screen for personal usage was a "glitch" in the system according to Skype.  The hitch?  You have to turn off your camera on both sides before you can share it.  I'm not so sure this was truly the case of "being a glitch" but I, for one, am just grateful that it is working again!

I have posted this everywhere I can think possible:

  • Dear friends and family,I am upset today - I use "screen share" in Skype a lot - usually to help people figure out their computer issues - sometimes to ask a question about what something is on google street maps to one of my UK friends - well SKYPE has made this a PREMIUM account option ONLY!!!!!! Normally $120 (on sale for $60) - just to share your screen with an individual!! I could understand it if it was for group usage but one on one??? Give me a break. If you use this feature, please let Skype know this was NOT COOL. Thanks! 
 For those of you who do not know, Skype offers a "share screen" option.  Well all these years, it's been free.  What is it?  You can be in a Skype call and "share" your screen  - allowing others to see your exact computer screen.  I often did this to ask my UK friends about things I saw on Google Street Maps so I could write about them.

But now, Skype must have lost some funding or advertising money because now they have made this option a PREMIUM only option.  What does that mean?  It means that you will now pay up to $120 a year for this option.  Right now they have it on sale for $60 but I still would not pay $60 for this option.  I can understand if they did this for groups but not individual usage.  There's so many usages to this feature and many people didn't even know about it.

One of the reasons I liked it so much was when people were having computer issues, I'd say to them, "Show me your computer screen" and I'd tell them how to fix their issue.  Google has made being helpful to your friends impossible using their software.  No one is going to pay $60 / $120 a year in order to just share a screen.  The other premium options are not worth it if you do not do group chat.

Talk about Technology NOT being HUMAN friendly.  Skype, you should be ashamed of yourself on this one!

Everyone please let SKYPE know that this was NOT A COOL MOVE!!!!

A very unhappy Marianne
Love ~ Peace ~ Usually Happiness

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