Sunday, October 30, 2011

Welcome to the year 2011

Can you imagine living a week with really crappy internet?  Welcome to my week.

We are having trouble with our internet this week and they are saying it'll be Monday before it's fixed.  I'm literally using my cell phone as my modem to write this.  I'm grateful for that, but for some reason, I'm finding myself still struggling with the quality it's putting out this week.

It's reminded me of the good ole days of dial up internet.  I'm laughing as I say that!  It should have been a statement of how we used to only be able to communicate via faxes or written mail - and here I am whining about dial up vs high speed internet.  How spoiled we have become.  Welcome to the year 2011.

We walk around with our cell phones in our hands constantly checking email, text messages and online updates of the weather, flights, and even our children's progress at school.  Oh - did I turn on/off the porch light at home?  That can be done now too.  The cable company even has it so you can watch tv and program your dvr these days too!  And when the internet is down?  Withdrawal city!!!!  TOTAL MISERY!!!

So today is Sunday and internet came back up last night.  I can see clearly again!  Woot!  Pathetic huh?  I could use the excuse that now I can get back to my job hunt (laughs) but truth be told - I just need to contact with people that I have become so used to!  Even though I have had internet on my cell phone and tablet, it's just not the same!

But ya - I do need to get job hunting too.... any ideas?
Have a great week everyone!  Happy Interneting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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