Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sherwood Forest - Home of Robin Hood

Robin Hood? Is that you?  Today Ed (my Google man partner in crime!) landed in Edwinstowe, England which is the legendary home of Robin Hood!  I'm writing as I do this travel so we see  where it takes us!  Hop on board and let’s get moving – I have a feeling we have a lot of forest to cover!  
Upon driving just a few blocks down the road, Ed comes to the Sherwood Forest National Nature Reserve.   He’s giddy in anticipation as to what he will find there!  Well come on Ed – get a move on it! 

Guess what!?!?  Sherwood Forest Visitor Centre is proud to have been chosen as a site to host a leg of the Olympic Torch Relay on the morning of 28th June 2012.

 Wow!   We’ve discovered that this reserve is home to some of the oldest oak trees, over 900 of them,  that span the ages of over eight hundred years!  “Major Oak” lives in the middle of the forest and after all this time is still producing acorns!  That must be some magical soil in that 450 acre nature preserve.   Can you imagine being here?  Standing on the soil, the same soil that Robin Hood did?  (And yes, before you correct me on this, I am aware that Robin Hood was an outlaw based on English Folklore but for the sake of fun, let’s pretend, shall we?)

I just thought this picture was lovely!

 I can envision standing on these grounds, inhaling fresh air.  My toes dig into the undergrowth of the forest a bit, where rotting fallen trees and branches decay, giving all kinds of bugs and fungus’ homes.  Good thing I have on shoes, I’d hate to have fungus in my toe nails.  Ed doesn’t have shoes though – I wonder if he is bleach proof?

This blog has led me along many paths so far.  I have learned so much about the United Kingdom.  I thought I knew a lot about England, and as it turns out, I knew nothing.  Even this blog about Sherwood Forest has made me research about Robin Hood – you should too!  It’s quite interesting.  Here’s a link to help you out:  
Wiki's rendition of information is interesting but here is a very interesting breakdown of the insight of Robin Hood that hopefully you will find interesting also.  It speaks about the Pagan and neo pagan aspect of it all.

By the way, were any of the Robin Hood stories in winter?  (The above link addressed this some btw) The sign above talks about ice on the road - I'd imagine it would be rather cold in the woods during winter for Robin Hood and her Merry Men!  We'll be in the UK over the winter.  Ed wants to see Sherwood Forest in person - I'll be sure to pack some warm socks!

Ed wants to take a break, so I’ll oblige.  Ssshhh… he’ll just think I’m resting but in truth, I’ll be doing more research and traveling without him on the side… don’t tell him! He’ll feel left out!

I'm off to Wales!  See you there!

Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness

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