Sunday, January 1, 2012

Technology Melts with Humanity

January 1st - don't we all look to it as a fresh start? A new beginning?  This year, especially, I am.  The past year was a difficult one.  I was fired.  Defeated.  Anyone who knows me knows I don't stay defeated long.  But six months of 2011 was defeat for me.  Recently, I decided that January 1st, 2012 would be a new start for me.  Where will it take me?  Across the world I hope!

Ok, those who read my blog regularly know me from either in real life or online.  Many know me from an online community called Second Life.  I used to be very addicted to SL (short for Second Life).  I love the fact that you can meet people all over the world in one place.  I have met tons of people - doctors, lawyers, architects, owners and managers of all kinds of different businesses, entrepreneurs, musicians, and even a few unemployed people.  I have met people from all over the globe in SL.  The US, Australia, almost every country in Europe, Indonesia, Thailand, and the list goes on and on.  I have met people of all walks of life.  Missionaries, educators, dominate people who can just say the word and people listen, to those who willing will follow people and those in the middle.  It all fascinates me.  I spend a lot of time alone and SL gives me the avenue to explore people.

Recently, I started looking at where I was going (hence this blog) and realized I hadn't gone far enough.  I hadn't met enough people in real life.  I hadn't seen enough or done enough.  I have this passion in me to be a world traveler and to take my daughter with me - teaching her how big the world truly is.  I honestly believe it's one of the best gifts a parent can do for their child.

One day, I was driving (one of my other favorite things to do) and it came to me.  It hit me like a brick (no - one was not smashed into my windshield - thank goodness!) but into my brain virtually.  It hit me like a ton of them - Technology Melts with Humanity.
Without people, computers serve no purpose.  Behind most computers, whether it be at home or an office, is a PERSON.  Unique.  Creative.  Boring.  Exciting  - you name it - but a HUMAN PERSON!  I decided my fate at that moment and time.  I was going on a quest to match technology with humanity.

Ok - I know you are reading this wondering  - huh? What?  She's a nut for sure.  I'll admit it - I am!  But realizing that life is short, I have to do this.  So starting today, I am reaching out to the world to know you.  Starting with my computer, will be traveling across Europe in search of people.  Yup - Google Maps on Street View will take me to places I cannot get to yet.  It will let me see interesting places and hopefully interesting people.  I will share my experiences with you.  Who knows who/what we will find?  Let's get started!

So, the plan?  To find these places and people on the computer and contact them via their website or facebook if I can find either for them.  Then this summer, I'm going to go meet these people in real life after getting to know them via the computer.  Hence -Technology Melts with Humanity.    I'm sure some people will have fun stories to tell me - others maybe sad.  We'll discover them together.

I'm asking for help.  Please put my blog address - in your facebook page, twitter page, sl profile - anywhere where people will see it.  Let's get people following.  I have more plans to be revealed soon - please help me!

Thank you for reading, my friends, and together we will all have a Healthy and Happy New Year!

Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness


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