Friday, September 28, 2012

The time is drawing near!

Today is Saturday, September 8th, 2012. I leave for the UK September 12th at 3pm.  It's surreal to imagine the time is here.  I've been so consumed with getting ready.  Our bags are packed to the brim with things that I apparently think I cannot live without while there.  I've purchased a back up hard drive for my computer for files.  I've updated mine and my daughters glasses just in case (we needed new ones anyhow).  We've both had physicals and such that we needed.  After all, six months is a long time when you are that far away from your home!  You just never know what will happen!

My cat Callie knows something is up.  She insisted on lying on my bag, on top of brand new blue jeans!!!  Victoria relocated her for me and she came back for more.

MarketDay meets the Baileys

Market Day - September 27, 2012

Victoria and I embarked on a delightful journey to our inaugural Market Day in the charming town of Machynlleth today, immersing ourselves in a vibrant tapestry of colors, aromas, and lively chatter. The atmosphere was electric, buzzing with the energy of enthusiastic vendors and eager shoppers alike, all converging under the open sky to partake in this beloved local tradition.

As we meandered leisurely along the bustling main street, we were greeted by an unexpectedly rich array of stalls, each one a small treasure trove of its own. From the glistening scales of fresh fish to the robust, hearty aroma of quality meats, and even to the meticulous craftsmanship of watch repair, the market unfolded before us like a storybook of diverse chapters.

We indulged in a delightful shopping spree, filling our bags with an abundance of fresh fruits and crisp vegetables, each piece seemingly kissed by the morning dew. The sausages we procured were artisanal, crafted with care, and promising a future meal of comforting warmth and savory delight.

The market was not merely a feast for our culinary desires but also catered to a spectrum of other interests. Stalls adorned with books promised adventures bound within their pages, while clothing racks displayed a myriad of textures and styles, inviting us to refresh our wardrobes with their offerings.

From whispered tales and shared experiences, we understood that this market holds the distinguished title of being the largest in the vicinity. It has triumphantly endured, blossoming with unabated vitality, even as some of its counterparts in neighboring areas have gracefully bowed out of the scene.

The Machynlleth Market Day, with its rich offerings and communal spirit, not only provided a splendid day out but also gently whispered the tales of tradition, resilience, and community, which have been woven into its existence throughout the years. It was not merely a market; it was a vibrant celebration of life, culture, and shared humanity, which we were elated to be a part of.

(sorry for the stock photo)

Till we meet again!

Peace ~ Love ~Happiness

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Polly Want a Cracker? Maybe Indian Food Instead?

Hey! Pennal?  Ya - it's quaint - and small.  But since I've been in the UK I've done my share of sightseeing... and even learned to drive on the left side of the road!  Yes, it is different than what I am used to but I'm a fast learner.

We are in Wales after four days in London sightseeing.   Yesterday was a week, and we've learned to build fires to keep us warm and to heat our water for cleaning, dishes and showers.  Let me tell you - you only push the glass door shut with your fingers ONCE before you learn that skin singes instantly when something is that hot!  But the good advantage of this is that this hot fire dries clothes unbelievable fast!  Seriously - it dries big heavy towels, my jeans, sweatshirts, etc in 15 min.  A dryer doesn't work that fast!  And look at the money saved!

The first week here was mostly dry.  It's now cold and rainy and I have forgotten what the sunshine feels like on my face. 

We went to the beach!  To my shock, it was covered in rocks!  I've never seen such a harsh beach before.  I sat up in the sand of the dunes, but Victoria and Howl pretty much stayed down by the water since Howl loves the water.  It was great to sit in the sun and listen to the ocean lap up against the little bit of sand on this beach.  This particular beach is on the opposite side of not only a train track, but also a golf course in which you have to walk across.  There are literally signs that say to stop and look left/right for golfers - since golf balls do damage.  Ya think?  Fore!  

(Just in case you were wondering..."Fore" is another word for "ahead" (think of a ship's fore and aft). Yelling "fore" is simply a shorter way to yell "watch out ahead" (or "watch out before"). It allows golfers to be forewarned, in other words.
The British Golf Museum cites an 1881 reference to "fore" in a golf book, establishing that the term was already in use at that early date (the USGA suggests the term may have been in use as early as the 1700s). The museum also surmises that the term evolved from "forecaddie.")

The house is cute.  Built in the 1800s, the doorways are lower and Victoria finds herself forgetting to duck!   The only heat we have is from the fireplace and we find ourselves getting a lot of fire-building practice! After a while, it's nice and cozy in the family room - but the other rooms are still a bit chilly.  Thank goodness for a warm blanket on the bed.  

The animals here are a trip.  Howl is the dog.  The two cats are 'Monkey Cat' and 'Merlin'.  Oh and did I mention the chicken, Polly?  She's a hoot.  She hears the door and comes running.  She wants food.  Not just corn, but cut-up leftovers of whatever we eat.  Hmmm, we are having Indian tonight - wonder if she likes spicy foods?  She also stalks me.  If she doesn't see me, she'll get up on a bench outside and stare at me through the window.   She apparently likes the table too.  I suppose no surface is safe from Polly.

Till we meet again.

Love ~ Peace ~Happiness

Monday, September 10, 2012

All Packed and Two Days till Leavin on a Jet Plane

**Setting Sail on a New Adventure with My Sidekick, Victoria!**

In a mere two days, my spirited 14-year-old daughter, Victoria, and I will embark on an adventure of a lifetime. While my passport boasts stamps from the US to the romantic alleys of Italy, France, and my all-time favorite, the UK, this journey is unparalleled. It's not just another trip; it's a six-month-long voyage with my daughter, exploring the world as we've never done before. Can you imagine? We won't be back until March 6th, and the anticipation is electric!

The weeks leading up to our departure have been a blend of nostalgia and surreal excitement. I've been incredibly fortunate to reconnect with old friends in the UK and make new ones, especially some wonderful souls from Google Plus. Their outpouring of support, sharing everything from train schedules to local hidden gems, has been heartwarming.

Our journey begins with a vibrant long weekend in London. While I've wandered its streets before, seeing it through Victoria's fresh eyes, on her first trip abroad, promises to be special. She's already made a list! Topping it are the majestic London Eye and the trendy Drop Dead London store. 

By Monday, we'll transition from the city's hustle to the tranquil embrace of Mid Wales. I've committed to house-sitting for Sian, a homeowner with a delightful ensemble of pets - two curious cats, a playful dog, and an endearing chicken (who, amusingly, is thick as thieves with the dog!). Adapting to the rustic charm of a home where fires warm the rooms and water, and embracing a wholesome, unprocessed culinary lifestyle are changes we're both eagerly looking forward to.

One of the things I'm particularly excited about? The serene writing opportunities this journey promises. Back in Ohio, my writing sessions were often punctuated by the buzz of daily life. But in the peaceful Welsh countryside, with only Howl, the dog, for company, I anticipate many uninterrupted hours of writing.

And there's more good news for fellow travel enthusiasts! I've been invited to chronicle our house sitting experiences for Additionally, I'll be sharing our Welsh adventures on I promise to keep you all updated with our tales!

Until then, sending waves of joy, adventure, and warmth from our corner to yours!

London Eye

This is Howl :-) Sian's dog
