"I hate Facebook"... have you ever said that? I have. As recently as six months ago actually. I hated the act of following everyone into the eternal abyss named "Facebook". After all - I try to be a leader - not a follower. But guess what... I'm on Facebook.
Last weekend, my daughter had a show at her school and "Mister Tim" was there - and towards the end of his show, he tells all the audience that he'd love it if they friended him on Facebook. I promise - every kid in that audience probably went home and friended him. (and that's not even a real word but Facebook has now made it one, right?)
So today while driving to my local Target to get bath supplies and a Frappachino from the Starbucks there (which by the way has over 26 MILLION followers on FB), was thinking about how small businesses need to market their Facebook page. It's one thing to create a FB page, but it's another thing for small businesses get the word out there. What do I mean?
Well - look at that number for Starbucks - 26 MILLION and growing. Coca Cola - over 35 MILLION followers. Wow, right? But a small local business? They'd be lucky to have a few hundred followers. That's why it's important for them to market OFF LINE as well as online. Yes - remember the world away from the computer? (I know for my readers this is hard to comprehend, but let's use our imaginations, ok?)
Remember passing out business cards to people you meet on the street or in Chamber of Commerce meetings and luncheons? Is your facebook page printed on all your handouts? What about your flyers and brochures about your business? How about your invoices? Even putting your facebook url on your business vehicles is a great promotional tool. Maybe encouraging family and friends to put it on their personal vehicles to help your business? If you have a brick and mortar store, have a sign made up and put it in a highly visible spot when people come in to follow you on Facebook. Many people have it on their phones these days and will do it right then and there. There are a bunch of ways you can market offline to drive traffic to your online presence.
So think about it. You've created a Facebook page. Yay - you are now hip, right? Some businesses create a page, and think that they are done. WRONG!!!!! Sorry to bust your bubble but it just doesn't work that way. A static webpage works that way. You design a site and you put the information you need to get out there to your market and you put that URL on the above things to promote it. But not Facebook. Facebook is dynamic. It's constantly changing. People expect changes on Facebook. They want to hear the latest and greatest news about their friends - even if those friends are businesses they frequent. So if all you have on there is your name, address and a quick blurb about yourself - repeat after me - "BOOOOORINGGGGG"
Yes, you are reading this from someone who used to HATE Facebook. Yet, the fact of the matter is, Facebook is not going anywhere anytime soon. Suffice to say, it's here to stay. Businesses will create a Facebook page before a website (let's face it - it's faster, easier and that dynamic factor comes into play). It's easy to make changes to your Facebook page. Not only can you post your thoughts on there, but documents, notes, pictures, videos and more! Truthfully, between Facebook, Twitter and a Blog - you have all the tools you need to promote your business online FOR FREE.
I used Starbucks and Coca Cola as examples because they have more followers than any other business that I know of on Facebook (not saying I am right - just saying it's what I know) and I think they do a great job marketing their business on Facebook. I see ads for Starbucks on many of the pages I go to. Coca Cola has contests on their pages. Human interest info (how many of us know about their new Polar Bear thing going on right now?)
The thing to remember out of all this though, is don't let your Facebook page be static. Add interesting facts about your business like the history of xyz product ie how it has evolved through time, how people used it in the past, how people use it NOW, tips on saving money with it, ways it'll make your life easier!). Offer coupons to people that go to your page and LIKE it. Have a contest. Use it to post your newsletter every month. The secret is to keep it fresh and interesting so people want to go back to it each time you post something, otherwise, it's like offering last weeks newspaper in the waiting room of your business.
Don't forget to work it though. Not only do you need to focus on your Facebook page, but you need to go to your competitors and see what they are doing. Go to other businesses that compliment yours and like their pages. Post on their pages if they allow it. Be encouraging - but not spamming. Don't post on their page an add about your business but be interested in theirs!
If you use their services, send them a testimonial. LIKE their postings. Not only does this help them, but it helps you too because it gets your name out there more. Create a page for your BUSINESS - not just a personal page for your name. You want your business name out there each time you click on "LIKE" on a page. Use your logo as your picture on that business page. You want brand recognition here just as much as you do anywhere. The more people see your name, the more they will remember you when they need your product / service!
Living life as a passionate human being, always looking for awesome people to connect with, new technology to learn, and gadgets to try, and new places to travel to! Come with me - life is ever changing!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Fire Me! Please!
I got FIRED. Yep. Fired. Hence, the reason for this blog to begin with. Fired. I've had my share of jobs in my life - all custom tailored around myself the last thirteen years to work around me being home for my daughter. But each one I left on my own terms. I haven't had too many the last thirteen years though as I've mostly been self employed. When I decided to go back to work this year, it was a big decision for me. I'd arranged a job with an European shoe company that I felt would do well in the US market.
I quickly got to work learning about shoes. How would this European urban shoe fit in here? What buyers should I contact? What magazines and papers need to know they exist? I got started on a press release and quickly got it out to about fifty newspapers and magazines. I started calling around to places like Nordstroms, Macys, and other department stores that I thought might be a fit. I was on top of the world. I loved what I was doing.
Last winter was a tough one - we had incredible snow storms and ice and such across America - traveling was difficult to say the least but once spring came, the skies were looking clearer and so were the possibilities of getting out and selling more. A trip to New York City ensued. Meetings with buyers was a new experience and quickly learned you have to think quick and have a backbone and stand up for what you believe in. Buyers can let you feel very small if you let them.
So, here I am, learning about the shoe industry - something I had never been involved in before. What I didn't realize was that I also had to learn to deal with the company I worked for too. Keep in mind, I have worked for large corporate companies as well as small "mom and pop" companies. This time it was different though. They spoke English, yes, but their natural language was Portuguese. I quickly realized that when I was speaking to them on the telephone, I had to stay very focused and listen very closely. Many times I hung up the phone feeling like I only understood a fraction of the words spoken to me. I hoped I had heard the important words and often sent an email to my boss for clarification of our conversation just to make sure I was correct.
Summer comes along and things are moving forward. People are starting to look at the collection, which by the way, are starting to get better design wise. Amazon.com and I are speaking frequently about the collection. Magazines are starting to publish my press release. I'm getting excited at this point, right?
I wake one morning and my uncanny sixth sense tells me to read email immediately. It's 5:00 am my time - 10:00 am in Portugal. Those days I woke up earlier so I could work on their time as well. I grab my cell phone, which is never far from my reach, and there's an email from my boss asking me to come to Portugal. I'm ecstatic at the thought and get to work on the details. They were releasing the new line and wanted all the agents to come see it, put in input, etc. I knew I was going to be tested. I was extremely nervous.
Long story short - the trip went okay but I got back early Monday morning and by Tuesday morning I was FIRED! Apparently, the trip didn't go as well as I had thought. I was devastated. People that haven't been fired abruptly have no idea how this feels. Neither did I at the time. When you hate your job, you mentally prepare yourself that if you got fired tomorrow, it'd be okay because you hated it anyhow. You often have a backup plan (and if you don't - make one!!!). I didn't hate my job nor did I have a back up plan. It was a huge smack in the face. Things were just starting to roll and I got punked. It sent me into a huge depression this summer which was really hard for me to dig out of. I took the summer off of work to spend time with my daughter and think about my next step in life. (Hence this blog!!!)
It's November now. I look back and think of last January as a long time ago. The snow on the ground is a far distant memory but know it's coming back again. Sadly. Why haven't I moved to a warmer climate? Even the UK has less snow than Ohio!
A lot has happened in this year. I've loved, I've lost, I've learned. I've become more determined. I've found my footing again and am making strides to move forward and learn from the past and to see the future with clear lenses and not rose colored ones. (How cliche' .. hmmmm). I want to say "it took me fired to make me realize...." but I just can't. I want to say it made me a stronger person. Time will tell. But here I am again - with my heart and mind in my hand - willing to move forward and try to live life again. Every day, I am finding my way more and more. Hopefully soon, it will be very evident what the universe has intended for me to be when I "grow up".
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
I quickly got to work learning about shoes. How would this European urban shoe fit in here? What buyers should I contact? What magazines and papers need to know they exist? I got started on a press release and quickly got it out to about fifty newspapers and magazines. I started calling around to places like Nordstroms, Macys, and other department stores that I thought might be a fit. I was on top of the world. I loved what I was doing.
Last winter was a tough one - we had incredible snow storms and ice and such across America - traveling was difficult to say the least but once spring came, the skies were looking clearer and so were the possibilities of getting out and selling more. A trip to New York City ensued. Meetings with buyers was a new experience and quickly learned you have to think quick and have a backbone and stand up for what you believe in. Buyers can let you feel very small if you let them.
So, here I am, learning about the shoe industry - something I had never been involved in before. What I didn't realize was that I also had to learn to deal with the company I worked for too. Keep in mind, I have worked for large corporate companies as well as small "mom and pop" companies. This time it was different though. They spoke English, yes, but their natural language was Portuguese. I quickly realized that when I was speaking to them on the telephone, I had to stay very focused and listen very closely. Many times I hung up the phone feeling like I only understood a fraction of the words spoken to me. I hoped I had heard the important words and often sent an email to my boss for clarification of our conversation just to make sure I was correct.
Summer comes along and things are moving forward. People are starting to look at the collection, which by the way, are starting to get better design wise. Amazon.com and I are speaking frequently about the collection. Magazines are starting to publish my press release. I'm getting excited at this point, right?
I wake one morning and my uncanny sixth sense tells me to read email immediately. It's 5:00 am my time - 10:00 am in Portugal. Those days I woke up earlier so I could work on their time as well. I grab my cell phone, which is never far from my reach, and there's an email from my boss asking me to come to Portugal. I'm ecstatic at the thought and get to work on the details. They were releasing the new line and wanted all the agents to come see it, put in input, etc. I knew I was going to be tested. I was extremely nervous.
Long story short - the trip went okay but I got back early Monday morning and by Tuesday morning I was FIRED! Apparently, the trip didn't go as well as I had thought. I was devastated. People that haven't been fired abruptly have no idea how this feels. Neither did I at the time. When you hate your job, you mentally prepare yourself that if you got fired tomorrow, it'd be okay because you hated it anyhow. You often have a backup plan (and if you don't - make one!!!). I didn't hate my job nor did I have a back up plan. It was a huge smack in the face. Things were just starting to roll and I got punked. It sent me into a huge depression this summer which was really hard for me to dig out of. I took the summer off of work to spend time with my daughter and think about my next step in life. (Hence this blog!!!)
It's November now. I look back and think of last January as a long time ago. The snow on the ground is a far distant memory but know it's coming back again. Sadly. Why haven't I moved to a warmer climate? Even the UK has less snow than Ohio!
A lot has happened in this year. I've loved, I've lost, I've learned. I've become more determined. I've found my footing again and am making strides to move forward and learn from the past and to see the future with clear lenses and not rose colored ones. (How cliche' .. hmmmm). I want to say "it took me fired to make me realize...." but I just can't. I want to say it made me a stronger person. Time will tell. But here I am again - with my heart and mind in my hand - willing to move forward and try to live life again. Every day, I am finding my way more and more. Hopefully soon, it will be very evident what the universe has intended for me to be when I "grow up".
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Say what you mean dangit!
We often don't say what we mean for a number of reasons. We try to be politically correct. We learn this at such a young age. Funny how we teach our kids to be truthful but teach them to smooth things that they say over. I remember my daughter telling me that things tasted bad when she was two or three years of age. My husband used to be horrified and tell her not to say things like that. She, of course, would return the favor by saying "But it's the truth!" I laugh at it now but my feelings were hurt at the time. It does, however, make you stop and think about what you are saying, doesn't it? "Tell the truth... unless it'll hurt someones feelings"... does a "white lie" make things right? How old is the question "honey do these pants make my butt look big?" I'm pretty sure that men are taught from the moment they are born to say "No dear - you look great!" See! Usually another "white lie"!
What about the politicians? White lie city. I don't even want to think about all the commercials that will be starting up again soon on the television. The thought makes me cringe. The twist their words to make just enough of what they are saying be the truth. I have a friend (who will probably read this and laugh) who knows how to say just enough of a story to make himself be truthful and honest. I call it half truths. I can usually tell when he thinks he's talking to the average person and call him on it by saying "ok now tell me the rest of the story". Politicians are the same way.
What about the times we tell people that it's ok that they just insulted you? Words come out of peoples mouths before they realize it and when they see the hurt look on your face, apologize. In return, we say to them, "Oh hun ,it's ok - I know you didn't mean it". Why do we give people free passes to hurt people? Why can't we say in return what we think about their comment? Are we scared to be honest back to people? They didn't think twice when that comment blurted out of their mouth. Address what they just said and bring it to the table with you. Often, things said by people stems from rumors they heard from other people. We often walk away from those conversations wondering exactly what they heard from someone and who that someone was. Wouldn't it be refreshing if we stopped and said something like... "I can see how you might be concerned about that issue, but let me tell you the truth so we can dispel this incorrect information."? It can take courage to do that, but wouldn't you walk away from that person knowing that you said your peace? Usually people say that if you defend yourself too much, people think you are covering things up. Sometimes that is true. It's hard to just keep your mouth shut. Occasionally, though, it just feels good to set things straight for yourself.
It's a fine line between those "white lies", political correctness and being polite. If you speak your mind too much, you are thought of as vulgar, or creating drama. If you are too quiet, you are a pushover. This thought is making me think about the lessons we have learned along the way - like I mentioned earlier - "the truth is necessary unless ......" It's that grey area that confuses kids. Those kids grow into future adults.
Christmas is coming. Last year, my daughter called me out on the Santa issue. I'll be careful what I say here - but we'll just say... I was called a liar by her last year. Again - those white lies surface and bite you in the butt!
What about the politicians? White lie city. I don't even want to think about all the commercials that will be starting up again soon on the television. The thought makes me cringe. The twist their words to make just enough of what they are saying be the truth. I have a friend (who will probably read this and laugh) who knows how to say just enough of a story to make himself be truthful and honest. I call it half truths. I can usually tell when he thinks he's talking to the average person and call him on it by saying "ok now tell me the rest of the story". Politicians are the same way.
What about the times we tell people that it's ok that they just insulted you? Words come out of peoples mouths before they realize it and when they see the hurt look on your face, apologize. In return, we say to them, "Oh hun ,it's ok - I know you didn't mean it". Why do we give people free passes to hurt people? Why can't we say in return what we think about their comment? Are we scared to be honest back to people? They didn't think twice when that comment blurted out of their mouth. Address what they just said and bring it to the table with you. Often, things said by people stems from rumors they heard from other people. We often walk away from those conversations wondering exactly what they heard from someone and who that someone was. Wouldn't it be refreshing if we stopped and said something like... "I can see how you might be concerned about that issue, but let me tell you the truth so we can dispel this incorrect information."? It can take courage to do that, but wouldn't you walk away from that person knowing that you said your peace? Usually people say that if you defend yourself too much, people think you are covering things up. Sometimes that is true. It's hard to just keep your mouth shut. Occasionally, though, it just feels good to set things straight for yourself.
It's a fine line between those "white lies", political correctness and being polite. If you speak your mind too much, you are thought of as vulgar, or creating drama. If you are too quiet, you are a pushover. This thought is making me think about the lessons we have learned along the way - like I mentioned earlier - "the truth is necessary unless ......" It's that grey area that confuses kids. Those kids grow into future adults.
Christmas is coming. Last year, my daughter called me out on the Santa issue. I'll be careful what I say here - but we'll just say... I was called a liar by her last year. Again - those white lies surface and bite you in the butt!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Welcome to the year 2011
Can you imagine living a week with really crappy internet? Welcome to my week.
We are having trouble with our internet this week and they are saying it'll be Monday before it's fixed. I'm literally using my cell phone as my modem to write this. I'm grateful for that, but for some reason, I'm finding myself still struggling with the quality it's putting out this week.
It's reminded me of the good ole days of dial up internet. I'm laughing as I say that! It should have been a statement of how we used to only be able to communicate via faxes or written mail - and here I am whining about dial up vs high speed internet. How spoiled we have become. Welcome to the year 2011.
We walk around with our cell phones in our hands constantly checking email, text messages and online updates of the weather, flights, and even our children's progress at school. Oh - did I turn on/off the porch light at home? That can be done now too. The cable company even has it so you can watch tv and program your dvr these days too! And when the internet is down? Withdrawal city!!!! TOTAL MISERY!!!
So today is Sunday and internet came back up last night. I can see clearly again! Woot! Pathetic huh? I could use the excuse that now I can get back to my job hunt (laughs) but truth be told - I just need to contact with people that I have become so used to! Even though I have had internet on my cell phone and tablet, it's just not the same!
But ya - I do need to get job hunting too.... any ideas?
Have a great week everyone! Happy Interneting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are having trouble with our internet this week and they are saying it'll be Monday before it's fixed. I'm literally using my cell phone as my modem to write this. I'm grateful for that, but for some reason, I'm finding myself still struggling with the quality it's putting out this week.
It's reminded me of the good ole days of dial up internet. I'm laughing as I say that! It should have been a statement of how we used to only be able to communicate via faxes or written mail - and here I am whining about dial up vs high speed internet. How spoiled we have become. Welcome to the year 2011.
We walk around with our cell phones in our hands constantly checking email, text messages and online updates of the weather, flights, and even our children's progress at school. Oh - did I turn on/off the porch light at home? That can be done now too. The cable company even has it so you can watch tv and program your dvr these days too! And when the internet is down? Withdrawal city!!!! TOTAL MISERY!!!
So today is Sunday and internet came back up last night. I can see clearly again! Woot! Pathetic huh? I could use the excuse that now I can get back to my job hunt (laughs) but truth be told - I just need to contact with people that I have become so used to! Even though I have had internet on my cell phone and tablet, it's just not the same!
But ya - I do need to get job hunting too.... any ideas?
Have a great week everyone! Happy Interneting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 28, 2011
Are you Discontent? or Do you suffer from Discontentment?
a restless desire or craving for something one does not have.
a malcontent.
For a few weeks now, this word has weighed heavily on my mind. How many of us are discontent in our lives? Do we even realize it? Do we wake up happy to be alive? Thank God for the day? Or do we moan and groan and stomp off to the shower dreading the day before it has even started?
Someone brought this word to my attention and I guess I had never really thought about the true meaning of the word before. As you see above, it can be used as an adjective as well as a noun.
I tend to think of this word as DISCONTENTMENT... the noun. A physical word - an object. I tend to have a restless desire or craving for something I do not have - hence - discontentment.
What about you? Do you have everything in work you desire? How about your personal relationships? What about your friendships? How about your relationship with yourself or with God? Do you desire things in these relationships that you don't have? We often don't look at our relationships carefully enough. We accept them for what they are and move on. I'm not sure whether this is good or bad. I think it can be good to just accept people for what they are when you love them. I think this is the most used method in life. Probably the most Christian like. When do we stop, though, and really evaluate our own life and say "it's just not enough". I'm not talking about just personal stuff. Maybe it's your job. Maybe it's your friends who are emotional vampires - the people in our lives that suck the life out of us.
I started seeing what was sucking the life out of me recently, but in addition to that, realized that perhaps I was sucking the life out of some of my friends as well. I realized that discontentment had become a habit. Happy to whine to people about my misery instead of taking the perpetual "bull by its horns" and do something about my situation! So I chose to start doing something about my "discontentment" and start making strides in doing things in life that make me happy. I choose to wake each day and thank God for the new day instead of dreading what is to come before it comes.
Don't let habits rule your life. Look at your life and realize that habits can be broken and make adjustments. Realizing them is eye awakening. Make notes to yourself to think differently if you find yourself discontent about things. Discontent with your job? Work hard to get a promotion to get away from that boss you hate so much then! Find a new job! Work for yourself! Do it positively though! You CAN change things in your life. Don't settle. Life is not written in stone. It changes daily. You can make it change.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Once, Twice, Thrice? Nope just ONCE
Have you seen the movie Once? If not, it certainly is worth the watch. I fell in love with the music from this movie before I saw the movie. A friend encouraged me to watch the movie, and then encouraged me to watch it a few more times, insisting that I would see things the second and third time that I did not see the previous watches. He was right.
It's a love story. But it reminded me of having dreams and wants in life and having the courage to reach for them and go after them, despite what has happened in your past, and what might happen in your future. This is a huge thought, really. How many of us are so paralyzed by something that has happened in our past that we can't seem to move forward? How many of us have a fear of failure and refuse to reach out and grab their star?
I think we often feel that joy is there only for a chosen few. When in fact, we all deserve to be happy. Life is extremely short. Yes, it's often eighty plus years but considering how old the world is, that's nothing. Don't be afraid that there isn't enough hope in the world, or that there is none in your world... it's there. You just have to be courageous enough to believe in it.
It's hard to be courageous. Trust me - I am VERY aware of that. So this week - I encourage each of you that reads my blog to make it your word for the week... COURAGE. Write it down on something. Look at it often. Then find a way to be courageous this week. It might be something small. It might be a huge task. But whatever that is for you, just be it. COURAGEOUS. Grab your star!!!
Then I even double dog dare you to share your COURAGE in the comment section as it happens!
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
It's a love story. But it reminded me of having dreams and wants in life and having the courage to reach for them and go after them, despite what has happened in your past, and what might happen in your future. This is a huge thought, really. How many of us are so paralyzed by something that has happened in our past that we can't seem to move forward? How many of us have a fear of failure and refuse to reach out and grab their star?
I think we often feel that joy is there only for a chosen few. When in fact, we all deserve to be happy. Life is extremely short. Yes, it's often eighty plus years but considering how old the world is, that's nothing. Don't be afraid that there isn't enough hope in the world, or that there is none in your world... it's there. You just have to be courageous enough to believe in it.
It's hard to be courageous. Trust me - I am VERY aware of that. So this week - I encourage each of you that reads my blog to make it your word for the week... COURAGE. Write it down on something. Look at it often. Then find a way to be courageous this week. It might be something small. It might be a huge task. But whatever that is for you, just be it. COURAGEOUS. Grab your star!!!
Then I even double dog dare you to share your COURAGE in the comment section as it happens!
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
HEY! Just HEY!
Ok, I am sure many of you will point out to me that HEY is for HORSES. But guess what!? It's HAY that is for HORSES and HEY is for me saying hi to each and every one of you at almost midnight my time.
I've been thinking long and hard about this for days now, and I think I am going to eat my own words (and what YUMMY words they are!) and start a new business for myself! YEP! I'm doing it again folks..... I'm venturing out on my own and being my own boss. Know why? Cuz I'm just too darn stubborn to listen to anyone elses orders. I can fire myself daily if I like and be bullheaded enough to ignore it and be back at it the next day! Yep, I'm like that.
Want to know what I am going to be doing????? Keep reading daily cuz I'll give hints and updates. Can anyone guess?? Come on... Guess... and I will give you one hint... it's NOT phone related.... (sorry mom!)
Now with that said, I'm still looking for the adventure - so keep ideas coming to my inbox at itsthewriter@gmail.com or post them below .... ya never know what might catch my eye!!!!
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
I've been thinking long and hard about this for days now, and I think I am going to eat my own words (and what YUMMY words they are!) and start a new business for myself! YEP! I'm doing it again folks..... I'm venturing out on my own and being my own boss. Know why? Cuz I'm just too darn stubborn to listen to anyone elses orders. I can fire myself daily if I like and be bullheaded enough to ignore it and be back at it the next day! Yep, I'm like that.
Want to know what I am going to be doing????? Keep reading daily cuz I'll give hints and updates. Can anyone guess?? Come on... Guess... and I will give you one hint... it's NOT phone related.... (sorry mom!)
Now with that said, I'm still looking for the adventure - so keep ideas coming to my inbox at itsthewriter@gmail.com or post them below .... ya never know what might catch my eye!!!!
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
Saturday, September 24, 2011
My Ideal Job
So, I keep saying, send me a job offer. I suppose I should clear up what kind of job I want, right? Perhaps a shoe saleswoman (coughs - more info on that at another time hehehe). Perhaps a bartender at a resort in Cozumel (now that wouldn't be all that bad would it??) Perhaps a trash collector. (Nah - not that anything is wrong with that!)
I have learned recently and confirmed my suspicions that I am really good at marketing. I have a good grasp on multiple facets of modern day marketing ideas and have used them in several ways to help grow businesses lately. One was cut short before my prime, but in an online world (Second Life), I helped raise over $16,000 for a person needing help in just a few short weeks. It taught me that I am strong and can perform under pressure and make things happen. It taught me that I can implement ideas and utilize others to make things happen quickly and successfully. So I think my ideal job would be something that I can make ideas happen and run with them till they do. I'd love this job to be fun, eventful, exciting and include travel. There, I said it. I spelled it out. Whew. Feels good to clearly say those things.
What else would I like to do? Maybe a travel writer? The opportunity to go places and write about them? Heck ya! Except Iraq - not sure I want to write about that (Not that anything is wrong with that) but just sayin.... Leave a comment about where you think would be the best places to write about ;)
Leave a comment too if you have any ideas on what you think might be a good job for me. I need adventure - need to share my skills with the world again - need to see the world!
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
P.S. Have passport - will hop on a plane!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeee
I have learned recently and confirmed my suspicions that I am really good at marketing. I have a good grasp on multiple facets of modern day marketing ideas and have used them in several ways to help grow businesses lately. One was cut short before my prime, but in an online world (Second Life), I helped raise over $16,000 for a person needing help in just a few short weeks. It taught me that I am strong and can perform under pressure and make things happen. It taught me that I can implement ideas and utilize others to make things happen quickly and successfully. So I think my ideal job would be something that I can make ideas happen and run with them till they do. I'd love this job to be fun, eventful, exciting and include travel. There, I said it. I spelled it out. Whew. Feels good to clearly say those things.
What else would I like to do? Maybe a travel writer? The opportunity to go places and write about them? Heck ya! Except Iraq - not sure I want to write about that (Not that anything is wrong with that) but just sayin.... Leave a comment about where you think would be the best places to write about ;)
Leave a comment too if you have any ideas on what you think might be a good job for me. I need adventure - need to share my skills with the world again - need to see the world!
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness
P.S. Have passport - will hop on a plane!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeee
Friday, September 23, 2011
Rain Rain Go Away
Ok, it's still raining in Ohio, but I took the time to take a look at Indeed.com to see if there any local jobs that caught my eye. Nope, none. Nothing popped its head up and said "Look at me!!!!!!!!" Am I being delusional? Am I expecting my dream job to just land in my lap? Well maybe.....
You know, they say you find things when you are not looking for them. Oh - wait - is that only love? I'm not sure I believe that. But could it be possible that it could happen in the job field? If you are not desperate for a job, and you let the universe take hold of destiny, could you be surfing the web or talking to friends and all of a sudden, a job rears it's beautiful head? A lead takes hold. A suggestion is followed.
But are we brave enough to follow our heart when things like that happen? Are we encouraged in life to follow our hopes and our dreams? Or do we simply follow what society thinks we should do? How many of us actually do what we WANT to do? Dan Miller of 48days.com once said, and I'll never forget this.... "Think back to what you wanted to be when you were a kid" .... I personally never had a big career path picked out as a child but as I got older, I remember wanting to do something with travel. Travel agents don't actually travel.... cruise directors do (I considered that one). Travel writers travel. Hmmmm.....
I want to be brave and consider all options as I chose this next path in my life. I want to see which direction it takes me and be brave enough to follow it. More people should do that in life, don't you think? Be brave, courageous, able to leap forward and know that their ideas will be accepted by those that love them. I dare each of you to do the same.
How many of you want to start your own business? I have talked to many people in this world who have said to me that their dream was to work for themselves. WELL DO IT! Start small - start huge - but do it! Some of the largest companies out there were started in garages. So follow your heart and see where it takes you. I plan on doing just that. For once in my life, I'm following my heart. My head will catch up but I'm following my heart. We'll see where it takes me. Come along for the ride!
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness!
You know, they say you find things when you are not looking for them. Oh - wait - is that only love? I'm not sure I believe that. But could it be possible that it could happen in the job field? If you are not desperate for a job, and you let the universe take hold of destiny, could you be surfing the web or talking to friends and all of a sudden, a job rears it's beautiful head? A lead takes hold. A suggestion is followed.
But are we brave enough to follow our heart when things like that happen? Are we encouraged in life to follow our hopes and our dreams? Or do we simply follow what society thinks we should do? How many of us actually do what we WANT to do? Dan Miller of 48days.com once said, and I'll never forget this.... "Think back to what you wanted to be when you were a kid" .... I personally never had a big career path picked out as a child but as I got older, I remember wanting to do something with travel. Travel agents don't actually travel.... cruise directors do (I considered that one). Travel writers travel. Hmmmm.....
I want to be brave and consider all options as I chose this next path in my life. I want to see which direction it takes me and be brave enough to follow it. More people should do that in life, don't you think? Be brave, courageous, able to leap forward and know that their ideas will be accepted by those that love them. I dare each of you to do the same.
How many of you want to start your own business? I have talked to many people in this world who have said to me that their dream was to work for themselves. WELL DO IT! Start small - start huge - but do it! Some of the largest companies out there were started in garages. So follow your heart and see where it takes you. I plan on doing just that. For once in my life, I'm following my heart. My head will catch up but I'm following my heart. We'll see where it takes me. Come along for the ride!
Peace ~ Love ~ Happiness!
Monday, September 19, 2011
Day One - Deciding I should get a new job
Wakes with a strange feeling - is it Saturday? Oh... no.... it's Monday. Scrambles around getting ready for.... errrr.... what is it I am getting ready for??? My part time job is quiet this week as my boss is in Milan. Ok so now what... hmmm clean the house? How mundane. It's already clean. Hmmm ok - find a new job. Yes, a JOB. Well is it really a job if you love what you do? Gets me thinking... find something I love. My husband suggests I write. Ya, well, it's a thought. Ok I'll think about it. Hmmmmmmm done thinking.
Ok... thinking done, I realize that I AM going to write. But I'm going to incorporate it into my job hunt. Let's create a BLOG about my job hunt. Granted, it may have a very small following, but it's the year 2011 and you can write about whatever you want to write about these days. So I am going to post my journey about finding my next adventure. To me, jobs are not jobs - they are adventures in life. Chances to fulfill your dreams. The mundane and boring jobs will be ignored - unless chocolate is involved - then we'll discuss it.
Let the fun of finding my next adventure begin!!!!!!!
Feel free to comment, suggest, share and send me job offers! The more the merrier and the more adventurous - the better!
Ok... thinking done, I realize that I AM going to write. But I'm going to incorporate it into my job hunt. Let's create a BLOG about my job hunt. Granted, it may have a very small following, but it's the year 2011 and you can write about whatever you want to write about these days. So I am going to post my journey about finding my next adventure. To me, jobs are not jobs - they are adventures in life. Chances to fulfill your dreams. The mundane and boring jobs will be ignored - unless chocolate is involved - then we'll discuss it.
Let the fun of finding my next adventure begin!!!!!!!
Feel free to comment, suggest, share and send me job offers! The more the merrier and the more adventurous - the better!
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